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  • Positive Provocation in Positive Psychology with Dr Robert Biswas-Diener

Positive Provocation in Positive Psychology with Dr Robert Biswas-Diener

  • April 08, 2025
  • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Online
  • 81


  • NZAPP Member


About the session:

Science, by its very definition, is a system of knowledge that evolves over time. This means that positive psychology is a body of information that can be questioned, explored, and improved on an ongoing basis.

Robert will describe a formal framework for provoking new thinking among positive psychology researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts. He will provide specific examples aimed at igniting passion for and curiosity about positive psychological science and its applications.

Speaker details - Dr Robert Biswas-Diener

Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener is a positive psychology scholar and practitioner. He has published more than 75 articles and his research interests include wellbeing, hospitality, strengths, and culture, to name just a few.

As an interventionist, Robert helped pioneer the field of positive psychology coaching. He trains coaches at Positive Acorn and conducts workshops around the globe. In 2024, he was honored as one of the 50 most influential executive coaches in the world by Thinkers50.


The event is free for NZAPP members and a limited number of guest tickets are available for $25. The recording and slides of the event will only be available to members of NZAPP.

Not already a member? The Association membership is $80 per annum (waged) and $40 (student). To join, click here and take advantage of our free to members annual calendar of events (eight per year).

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The New Zealand Association of Positive Psychology is a not-for-profit organisation. 24 Banks Rd, Aongatete, Katikati, 3181.

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